Conscious Communication

In order to function in this world, we need to be able to communicate what is important and true for us, and to receive information from others about what is important and true for them, so that through this interaction, we can have our needs met as well as help others meet theirs. However, most of us communicate unconsciously and use our words in a way that contributes to alienation versus connection. If we want to live in a peaceful world, we need to start by becoming conscious of the way we express ourselves. Let us use our words in a way that will take down, rather than build up the walls around us.

We can begin by setting our intention on our desire to understand, rather than win, in situations which challenge our egos. While we may feel an unrelenting desire to prove how right we are, if we allow a pause before responding, we may discover that our desire to have gentle and harmonious relationships might outweigh our desire to be right. Harmony and emotional connectedness in relationships are nurtured through dialogue and strengthened by constructive conflict. While we should offer our story, our truth and our opinion, we shouldn’t neglect the importance of the other person’s perspective. By strengthening our listening muscle, we allow ourselves to deepen our understanding of the bigger picture. This greater awareness opens the door to greater compassion. Compassion begets empathy. And empathic connection allows for solutions to flow organically.

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Tina Boljevac Written by:

Living, loving and flowing in and out of moments...